видео с конференции Tech·Ed Australia 2011
Ссылки на некоторые файлы будут доступны через несколько дней. Как обычно, добавляю то, что может заинтересовать администратора SCCM:
- 10 most common deployment mistakes and how to resolve them using WDS;
- Technical Overview of Forefront EndPoint Protection 2012;
- Creating Custom WinPE 3.0 boot images;
- Configuration Manager 2012 Infrastructure Drill Down;
- Deployment and User Profiles;
- Deploy Server OSes for Troubleshooting: Set up Re-Imaging;
- Deploying Windows 7 with Configuration Manager 2012;
- Make The Move: Migrate from SCCM 2007 to SCCM 2012;
- Fujitsu’s User Initiated Windows 7 Migration;
- Migrating XP to Windows 7 using ConfigMgr 2007;
- Unlock the power of User Device Affinity in SCCM 2012;
- Using Microsoft Deployment Toolkit in the Real World (Notes from the field);
- What’s new in MDT 2012?.